I just finished the color test model for the vostroyan infantry. He came out pretty well and I even found the passion to include OSL effects for all the lenses. Time spent including basing was about 2,5 hours. I started from a primed (black) model and included the color testing and preparing the model snow. I think I can push the timelimit to about two hours on the next models- maybe even a little more when I do it in an assemby line.
Talking about snow- what do you think- is there any alternative to it since the guys are wearing winter head gear?
You know, it didn't even occur to me that it should be snow due to the heavy-winter gear. I used my standard basing scheme and it looks fine, but I see you're coming from a more artistic place, so snow is probably best.
das foto selbst haut mich jetzt nicht so um,wirkt irgendwie nicht so detailiert imho. ALLERDINGS(!) sehen die sachen in natura immer 100% besser aus als auf den fotos,sogesehen schaut der sicher welt aus:)
ALLERDINGS(!) sehen die sachen in natura immer 100% besser aus als auf den fotos,sogesehen schaut der sicher welt aus:)
@g-g: Which details are you missing? I am always open for suggestions and he is not sealed yet ;)