- He steals the initiave and starts shooting the crap out of my Troopchoices with 16 Shots of Fragmissiles. I call him Firstruleoffrag now.
- I fail to shoot his Thunderwolf cavallery before they can charge me and loose the Emperor's champion this way.
- My favorite Marine which I named "Riddick" after his glorious fight against Nighthaunters daemon Furies dies to a living Lighting bolt (or was it a Fraground?)- how unworthy.
+ I take revenge for Riddicks end by serving the Librarien a Lasconnon offer he couldn't refuse.
+My Terminators drag all the riders form their Thunderwolves in one Assault phase
+ My tactical squads hit with almost all of their rapidfiring plasmashots and turn alot of his Wolfguard Terminators to slag.
My Deathstar Termie Squad's saves where quite disapointing at last :-(
Anyway, it is always funny to play against you as you always pull a joke out
of every situation and show that you have fun playing -a skill I unfortunately lack.
As far as painting goes, we had the same points and yes,
tastes are different.
Too bad we did not get the Emperors Champions Armour, the Wolflord really wanted it.
After the paintball match a nice drinking situation -templars get corona and wolves guiness.
**Wolflord clips a ornate drinking horn at the marshals belt***
And he did :-) at ETC 09