Five days left and I think it will work out. I did the mainwork on the Terminators today. This means I can do the detailing on them tomorrow and finish the Emperors Champion.
I also have mixed my first own wash today, I call it Spacewolve grey wash (sue me hahaha)- you can see the ingredients below. It worked like a charm and I am looking forward to making more.
Ps.: I love this face- anybody knows where I got this from take a guess!
Got no idea on the face, but am liking the gritty look on the termies. Is that a complicated wash mix? Oh, and the sword and skull on the terminator shield, where's that from?
the mix isn't complicated at all. It's 25 drops blue ink and 30 inks black ink following the receipee from les bursley ( The terminatorshield is from the Dark Angels Veterans sprue.
Oh, and the sword and skull on the terminator shield, where's that from?
The terminatorshield is from the Dark Angels Veterans sprue.
I like the yellow power-fists but i think they could be a little bit darker.