Commander O'shovah Farsight conversion

The Eldar Corsair prince is in the painting pipeline and I move on to the next conversion job: Commander Farsight.

The standard model looks like this:
image copyright by Games-Workshop
I find it not very impressive and although I own it (since I bought a lot from ebay) I can't be brought to fielding it like this on the tabletop. I find the following idea a lot more appealing:
copyright: user LordDirk form
So I went off and built something to resemble this. Since I did not have all the parts handy I wanted, i subsitituted. I added an Eldar Warwalker hull and an Eldar wraitlord blade. Rounding, greenstuffing and extending limbs got me this.
O'shovah conversion

O'shovah conversion

O'shovah conversion

O'shovah conversion

O'shovah conversion


Botjer said…
You can use pulse carbines to elongate the lower legs
redraynos said…
How does the finished product look
redraynos said…
nevermind found it lol