Imperial Guard Vendetta WIP 2 on January 21, 2010 Imperial Guard +0 Vostroyans Imperial Guard Vostroyans
Vostroyan Tanks magnetized on January 19, 2010 Imperial Guard +0 Vostroyans Imperial Guard Vostroyans
Gilead Neujahrsturnier - 40k tournament 1500 pts on January 16, 2010 Imperial Guard +0 Tournament Imperial Guard Tournament
Imperial Guard Officer of the Fleet wip2 on January 14, 2010 Conversions Imperial Guard +0 Vostroyans Conversions Imperial Guard Vostroyans
Imperial Guard Officer of the Fleet wip1 on January 14, 2010 Conversions Imperial Guard +0 Vostroyans Conversions Imperial Guard Vostroyans
Imperial Guard Vendetta wip on January 13, 2010 Imperial Guard +0 Vostroyans Imperial Guard Vostroyans